Muy buenas
Aquí os dejo la lista de palabras y expresiones que debéis tener presente de cara al estudio de esta unidad. Espero que os sea de utilidad.
Acculturation: Adoption of the ways of a different culture
Agricultural Products: Things that are grown in large
quantities to be sold
Balance of Trade: The difference in value between a country’s
exports and imports
Big stick: The threat of using force to get something
British East India Company: A private business which first
traded with India and later ruled it.
British Raj: The period of British rule in India
Civilise: To improve a society so that it is better
organised and more developed
Colonial Exploitation: Unfairly using colonies to obtain
power or wealth
Coloniser: A person who settles in a place and takes
control over it
Colonisation: Settling in a place and taking control over it
Colony: A country occupied and controlled by another
country (the metropole)
Dominion: A self-governing colony whose population came
mainly from the metropole
Economic Interests: Policies or practices which tend to
make a person or country richer
Expand: To make larger or to become larger
Export: To sell products to another country
Forced labour: Making people work against their will for little
or no money
Imperialism: Increasing a country’s wealth and power by
colonising other countries
Import: To buy products from another country
Indigenous Population: The native people in a colonised
Manufactured Products: Things made on a la large-scale
using machinery
Metropole: The parent state of a colony
Monoculture: The cultivation of only one crop in a given area
Monopoly: Exclusive possession of control over something
Opium Wars: 19th century wars fought between European
powers and China over trade and diplomatic relations
Plantation: A large area of land where a single crop (e.g.
cotton or tea) is grown
Political and military rivalry: Competition between countries to
gain political and military supremacy
Prestige: High status or good reputation
Protectorate: A colonised country with its own indigenous
government, but where the metropole is really in control, especially of defence
and foreign policy
Raw Materials: The basic materials from which a product is
Sepoy Rebellion: The revolt in 1857 of Indian soldiers in the
British army in India
Settlement Colony: A colony with a small native population,
settled mainly by white Europeans
Social segregation: When people of different classes in
society have to live separately and cannot mix
Transoceanic canal: A manmade waterway connecting two
oceans or seas
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